Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My First Post!

Welcome to my blog! I'm new at this, so bear with me. I guess first of all I'll tell you a little about myself. So here's a list of randomness for you to gobble up...

1. My name is Crystal
2. I hate my name.
3. I have been with my high school sweetheart, who is now my husband for around 9 years. We've had our ups and downs, but I could never love anyone more.
4. I was married when I was 18, and no, I wasn't pregnant. Best decision I ever made.
5. I found out I was pregnant with my son Broghan the day after our first wedding anniversary, which also happens to be on St. Patrick's day. I love that holiday!
6. My son was born on November 5, 2008 by emergency C-section.
7. I am a stay at home mom, but I also help out with the bills. I will be listing some tips for moms who want to earn a little online. They will all be legitimate because I have either used them, or am currently using them.
8. I have never written a blog before. 
9. I love to cook. You'll probably be reading a lot of nutty recipes on here that have just popped into my head.
10. I'm not overly religious, but I have a lot of faith.
11. I'm beginning to get into the DIY lifestyle.
12. My husband and I are TTC our second baby.
13. I have a 14 year old sister named Mo, who is my mini me, and one of the most important people in my life.
14. My Nanny and Papa are my greatest Heroes.
15. I get along with my In-Laws. *gasp* They are absolutely the best grandparents that I could have hoped for my son.
16. I love to read, and I go through about a book a day. How do I have time? I never sleep.
17. My favorite color is RAINBOW.
18. I have two dogs. One 150 lb Newfie named Kassie, and one 30 lb pain in the butt-mutt, named Mischka. She belongs to Mo.
19. I love to surf for funny pictures online.
20. I think I'm a little bit of a facebook addict, but who isn't?

Well there ya go, 20 little tidbits of about me. Any other questions just ask. I'm not shy. More posts to add tonight I'm sure.