Thursday, September 15, 2011

Nothing More Special

I apologize for the lack of posts recently, life has been a little crazy. Luckily it's been in a completely beautiful way. I am happy to announce that my husband Brent and I will be making Tater a big brother around mid may. I found out that I am expecting on Monday, but I didn't believe the tests because they were so faint I was sure it was a mistake. So, testing Tuesday and getting a very definite positive just made it sink in. It's a bit awkward to admit this, but I have taken seven pregnancy tests in the past 3-4 days just to make sure that the lines don't disappear. 

Am I happy? No. I'm ecstatic. I could not feel more blessed in any sense of the word. For those of you who do not know, this baby was NOT an accident. We have been TTC for a year exactly this month. It was a bit of a surprise though, because I had all but given up on having another baby for right now. We didn't actively try this month by any means, but it just happened. I guess it's testament to the old cliche "It will happen when you stop trying". I hate that it was true, but I am so glad that it happened. 

A lot of my family and friends are not very happy for me because my health is not the best and I had a difficult pregnancy my first time around. What I would like for them to know is that I want you to put that aside and be happy for me. Whatever comes, I will face head on. This is what I want, and if I am willing to take on the risks and be brave about it, there is no reason that you should not support me. 

Also, people who don't support us because they worry about our finances. Don't. We are fine, we will be fine, and we always make it through. We are a totally different type of family from many that we know. We just want to be together in our little home, doing simple things, and loving our little life. We don't need a lot of things. We don't want extravagance. We have been through hard times, and we will again. That is not to say that we are not aware that another baby will have its expenses but, we will just have to work harder, save harder, and be creative. But that is just the type of family that we want to be. The kind that makes it work. 

People didn't want us to get married so young. They said it wouldn't work- It did.
People didn't think we should have a child., because our marriage couldn't handle it- We are stronger
People said I wouldn't get pregnant again- I did.

We are happier and more in love than ever. Tater is excited and can't wait to meet his sibling. Please look at us with happiness. Not judgement, but support. Thank you.
