Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Bacon Cinnamon Rolls with Brown Sugar Glaze

Today was a do nothing kind of day around here. We all stayed up kind of late and didn't sleep very well because of the storm that was beating the siding off of our house. None of us were feeling very bright and sunny today, so we decided to remedy that tonight by making some warm delicious goodness. We used left over yeast dough from last night to make cinnamon rolls. Of course, being who we are (Mo and I), we could not just make cinnamon rolls. They had to be cinnamon rolls with a "twiste".  We decided to add some bacon in the mix, and as is common knowledge, bacon makes everything exponentially more taste-gasmic. Here is my recipe for the most awesome breakfast food known to man, along with a bit of picture overload.

We used dough left over from my beignet experiment last night... which was a fail. It's just the basic beignet recipe but I didn't have any evaporated milk, so I substituted coconut milk. It worked just fine. Here is a link to the recipe that I used. It's rather long, so I'm not going to post it.

French Quarter Beignet Recipe

Here is what mine looked like:
I was worried that it would be a little dry, but it needed back together just fine. Many thanks to Mo kneading the ever loving heck out of it. After kneading, roll into a rectangle.

Brush with some melted butter/margarine.

Then we mixed a goodly amount of cinnamon and mixed it with enough brown sugar to blanket the rectangle.
 Tater was the master of the cinnamon sugar sprinkling stage. Hey... little man likes to cook too.

Lay bacon lengthwise on the rectangle over the brown sugar/cinnamon mixture.

Roll into a jellyroll type shape.

Slice, lay in lightly greased pan, and place into a 425 degree oven for about 30ish minutes. I would check it at about 20, because my oven seems to cook slow even though it's pretty new.

This is what they will look like after they are done:
After they look like this, you will want to make a glaze for your rolls. I chose to make a brown sugar glaze, but you can really do anything you like. To make the one that I used mix about 3/4 stick of butter with 1 cup of brown sugar, 1/2 cup of powdered sugar, and 1 Tsp of vanilla extract. Heat it up until everything is all melty and smooth-ish. There will be some brown sugar granules left. That's ok...they are awesome.

Drizzle your glaze on top of your still warm cinnamon rolls. Let cool for about 15 minutes and then enjoy.

WARNING: This dessert is not for the faint of heart, or the high of blood pressure. :)


  1. About to read this out loud since my hubby and SIL asked what was so funny. :P

  2. :) I'm glad you got a kick out of it. It was really fun to do. Tater enjoyed poking at the dough. I bet your boys would have a ball making it.
